Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Editions -> Colin Clouts Come Home Again -> 1617

Colin Clovts come home again. By Edm. Spencer., 1617, Quarto 823Sp3 OCo

Title: Colin Clovts come home again. By Edm. Spencer.
Repository: O. Meredith Wilson Library, U of Minnesota
Shelfmark: Quarto 823Sp3 OCo
Published by: H.L.
Published for: Mathew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1617
Copynotes: Signatures: A-B6, C1. Title vignette; head and tail pieces. One of the sections of Colin Clovts comne home againe, and the rest of the minor poems. London, Printed by H.L. for M. Lownes, 1617 of F.R. Johnson. A critical bibliog. of ... Edmund Spenser. Correspondence of 6/14/10: “Colin Clovts Come Home Againe. By Edm. Spencer. At London, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes.” “To the Right Worthy and noble Knight, Sir Walter Raleigh, Captaine of her Maiefties Guard, Lord Wardein of the Stanneries, and Lieutenant of the Countie of Cornwall” “Astrophel. A Pastorall Elegie vpon the death of the moft noble and valorous knight, sir Philip Sidney. Dedicated to the most beautifull and virtuous Ladie, the counteffe of Effex.” “The mourning Mufe of Theftylis.” “A Paftorall Aeglogue vpon the death of Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, &c.” “An elegie, or friends passion, for his Aftrophell. Written vpon the death of the right Honourable Sir Phillip Sydney, Knight, Lord Gouernour of Flufhing.”
Editionnotes: In verse. Printer’s name from STC. Signatures: A-L⁶ M². "Prothalamion", "Amoretti and epithalamion", "Epithalamion", "Foure hymnes", "Daphnaida", "Complaints", "The teares of the Muses", and "Muiopotmos" each have separate title page dated 1617; register is continuous. Intended to be issued with the 1617 issue of "The faerie queen". Identified as part of STC 23085 on UMI microfilm reel 1365.
Record Author: Cait Martinez 7/27/09; NS 6/14/10
Record Source: Repository catalog
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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